Current Account FAQs



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Account Opening

By bringing the documents you’ll need with you, you’ll save time and have your new account opened in no time. Whether you are a new or existing EBS customer, to open a new savings account you will be asked to provide:

  • Personal identification documentation – such as a valid passport or valid driver’s licence. You must bring an original, not a copy.
  • Proof of your permanent address – for example, a current utility bill, dated within the last six months (Gas, ESB, landline phone), bank statement, motor or home insurance renewal document. Again, documents must be originals.
  • Proof of your Personal Public Service Number (PPSN)

Please contact us if you have any queries about opening an EBS savings account on 0818 654 322 or

Switching Accounts

If you like the look of our MoneyManger account but already have a bank account in place, we can help you switch your account to EBS. The process is smooth and hassle free in line with the Central Bank of Ireland's Switching Code and we'll make sure that any direct debits or standing orders you may have coming out of your current bank account are seamlessly switched to your new EBS MoneyManager account.

Just click on the link to our Personal Account Switching Pack (PDF, 17 pages, 762KB) to find out all you need to know about the process of switching to EBS. Your pack contains all the forms and advice you'll need to make the move. If you have any questions about the pack or the steps involved, please contact us for more information.

You may also be interested in switching your MoneyManager account out of EBS to another bank account. To do this you must obtain a Switching Pack from the bank that you wish to transfer your account into and follow the steps that are outlined. This process is in line with the Central Bank of Ireland's Switching Code. Please contact us if you need more information.

The purchase of additional services offered by EBS is not required in order to open or access an EBS MoneyManager account.

Government Stamp Duty will be charged at a rate of €0.12 per ATM transaction. Government Stamp Duty only applies to ATM transactions carried out within Ireland (excluding Northern Ireland). This charge is capped at €2.50 if you only use your debit card for ATM transactions and capped at €5 if you use your debit card for both purchases and ATM transactions. Government Stamp Duty charge on debit cards is applied in January, for the previous year. Government Stamp Duty of €0.50 is payable in respect of a cheque withdrawal. Information correct as of 04/10/2016.

EBS MoneyManager Terms and Conditions (PDF, 36 pages, 882KB)

Full terms and conditions for the EBS MoneyManager Account (PDF, 36 pages, 882KB).

MoneyManager Fees and Charges (PDF, 1 page, 477KB)

MoneyManager Fee Information Document (PDF, 2 pages, 672KB)

Glossary of Terms (PDF, 2 pages, 440KB)

Just click on the link to our Personal Account Switching Pack (PDF, 17 pages, 762KB) to find out all you need to know about the process of switching to EBS. Your pack contains all the forms and advice you'll need to make the move. If you have any questions about the pack or the steps involved, please contact us for more information.

Transferring Funds

From 9 January 2025, you will be able to receive SEPA Instant payments from other payment service providers in euro to your EBS payment Account(s), to the following payment accounts, to your EBS MoneyManager Account, EBS Instant Access Account or EBS Teen Savings Account.

Payments from a Bank within Ireland or a Bank outside Ireland within the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) can only be made using the individual International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for your EBS account. This can be obtained on your EBS account statement.

As EBS operates Euro accounts only, international payments to EBS accounts can only be in Euro.

Note: Any payments sent to EBS in non Euro currencies cannot be processed and will be returned.

The person sending the funds (Ordering Customer) must advise the Bank sending the funds (Ordering Institution) to process the payment request directly to the EBS SEPA BIC: EBSIIE2DSDD.

To request your IBAN please contact EBS on 0818 654 322 or your local EBS office quoting the EBS account to which you want the funds transferred.

Attempting to transfer funds internationally using anything other than your IBAN will result in the funds being automatically returned to the paying bank.

SEPA countries include all member countries of the EU:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.

Plus: Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, & Switzerland.

Customers must instruct their bank to send funds directly to EBS SWIFT BIC EBSIIE2D referencing their IBAN.

As EBS operates Euro accounts only, international payments to EBS accounts can only be in Euro.

Note: Any payments sent to EBS in non Euro currencies cannot be processed and will be returned. 


We have outlined how to transfer money electronically to your EBS account below. Please get in contact if you need any more info.

From a Domestic Bank within Ireland OR From a NON Domestic Bank outside Ireland within Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)

Payments from a Bank within Ireland or a Bank outside Ireland within the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) can only be made using the individual International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for your EBS account. This can be obtained on your EBS account statement.

As EBS operates Euro accounts only, international payments to EBS accounts can only be in Euro.

Note: Any payments sent to EBS in non Euro currencies cannot be processed and will be returned.

The person sending the funds (Ordering Customer) must advise the Bank sending the funds (Ordering Institution) to process the payment request directly to the EBS SEPA BIC: EBSIIE2DSDD.

To request your IBAN please contact EBS on 0818 654 322 or your local EBS office quoting the EBS account to which you want the funds transferred.

Attempting to transfer funds internationally using anything other than your IBAN will result in the funds being automatically returned to the paying bank.

SEPA countries include all member countries of the EU:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.

Plus: Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, & Switzerland.

From a NON domestic Bank outside Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) including Ireland

Customers must instruct their bank to send funds directly to EBS SWIFT BIC EBSIIE2D referencing their IBAN.

As EBS operates Euro accounts only, international payments to EBS accounts can only be in Euro.

Note: Any payments sent to EBS in non Euro currencies cannot be processed and will be returned. 

We have outlined all details of this below – it is the same process as transferring money to your account.

From a Domestic Bank within Ireland OR From a NON Domestic Bank outside Ireland within Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)

Payments from a Bank within Ireland or a Bank outside Ireland within the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) can only be made using the individual International Bank Account Number (IBAN) for your EBS account. This can be obtained on your EBS account statement.

As EBS operates Euro accounts only, international payments to EBS accounts can only be in Euro.

Note: Any payments sent to EBS in non Euro currencies cannot be processed and will be returned.

The person sending the funds (Ordering Customer) must advise the Bank sending the funds (Ordering Institution) to process the payment request directly to the EBS SEPA BIC: EBSIIE2DSDD.

To request your IBAN please contact EBS on 0818 654 322 or your local EBS office quoting the EBS account to which you want the funds transferred.

Attempting to transfer funds internationally using anything other than your IBAN will result in the funds being automatically returned to the paying bank.

SEPA countries include all member countries of the EU:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.

Plus: Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, & Switzerland.

From a NON domestic Bank outside Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) including Ireland

Customers must instruct their bank to send funds directly to EBS SWIFT BIC EBSIIE2D referencing their IBAN.

As EBS operates Euro accounts only, international payments to EBS accounts can only be in Euro.

Note: Any payments sent to EBS in non Euro currencies cannot be processed and will be returned. 

In order to amend a standing order we require a signed instruction to do so, signed by all parties on the account. This can be posted to 10 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2, D02 R126, faxed to 01 874 7416 scanned and emailed to or dropped into an EBS office.

Account Changes

1. If you have moved house, don't forget to let us know by completing and bringing the relevant Change of Correspondence Address Form(s) into your local EBS office along with your passbook or photographic identification

2. If you would like to post this instruction to us, please complete and send the relevant Change of Correspondence Address Form(s) and certified* photocopies of the following for each signatory:

  • One type of photographic identification (e.g. current valid passport or current valid EU/EEA driver's licence)
  • Two types of address verification, (e.g. a utility bill and a bank statement issued to you in your name(s) and dated within the last 6 months).

3. If you are now living outside the Republic of Ireland, and would like to post this instruction to us, please complete and send the relevant Change of Correspondence Address Form(s) and certified* photocopies of the following for each signatory:

  • Your current valid passport showing your place of birth; and
  • Two types of address verification, (e.g. a utility bill and bank statement issued to you in your name(s) and dated within the last 6 months); and
  • An official document showing your tax identification number (i.e. from the country in which you are currently resident).

4. Please post your documents to us at the following address:

Customer Services Support

EBS d.a.c.

10 Molesworth Street

Dublin 2

D02 R126


* Certified means witnessed by a solicitor, accountant or through a local police station.

For more information call us at 0818 654 322, email us at or visit your local EBS office.

The best thing to do is contact customer care on 0818 654 322. If you would like, we can arrange a call back for you below. The lines are open 9AM-5.30PM, Monday to Friday.

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