26th October 2016
Notification to all EBS MoneyManager Account Holders (PDF, 1 page,513KB)
23rd September 2016
EBS extends 2% back in cash offer for new mortgage customers (PDF, 2 pages, 283KB)
23rd June 2016
EBS announces 2% back in cash for new mortgage customers (PDF, 2 pages, 281KB)
21st March 2016
3rd June 2015
30th October 2014
AIB, EBS and Haven reduce mortgage interest rates - 30th October 2014 (PDF, 3 pages, 336KB)
14th May 2014
EBS DKM Irish Housing Afforability Index (PDF, 14 pages, 378KB)
18th November 2013
EBS & DKM release their latest Affordability Index 18th November 2013 (PDF, 1 page, 327KB)
04th November 2013
New Initiative to Assist Homeowners in Difficulty (PDF, 2 pages, 270KB)
22nd July 2013
EBS & DKM release their latest Affordability Index (PDF, 2 pages, 298KB)
1st July 2013
30th April 2013
24th April 2013
AIB and EBS Mortgage Statement (PDF, 2 pages, 283KB)
27th March 2013
AIB Group Annual Results 2012 (PDF, 2 pages, 275KB)
21st March 2013
27th February 2013
EBS to Lend at Least €400m in Mortgages in 2013 (PDF, 1 page, 346KB)
26th February 2013
Ending of the ELG Scheme (PDF, 1 page, 267KB)
8th January 2013
EBS releases its quarterly Consumer Savings Sentiment Research (PDF, 2 pages, 342KB)
21st January 2013
EBS offers Free Financial Advice Service to help with your plans for 2013 (PDF, 1 page, 273KB)
22nd January 2013
EBS/INTO Children's Handwriting Competition 2012 (PDF, 1 page, 269KB)
25th September 2012
EBS introduces a Negative Equity Trade Up Mortgage (PDF, 2 pages, 343KB)
24th September 2012
18th September 2012
26th June 2012
AIB and EBS announce intention to launch Mortgage Arrears Solution (PDF, 1 page, 269KB)
8th June 2012
Consumer Savings Research (PDF, 2 pages, 288KB)
12th May 2012
Overall winner of the EBS Community Fund (PDF, 1 page, 325KB)
10th April 2012
EBS research highlights importance placed on teaching children how to save (PDF, 2 pages, 406KB)
5th April 2012
Family Day 2012 (PDF, 2 pages, 336KB)
3rd April 2012
EBS and DKM launch latest Affordability Index (PDF, 6 pages, 592KB)
5th March 2012
EBS releases its quarterly consumer savings sentiment research (PDF, 2 pages, 407KB)
19th January 2012
EBS and INTO launch National Handwriting Competition (PDF, 2 pages, 286KB)
5th January 2012
EBS releases new research about Irish people's savings plans for 2012 (PDF, 2 pages, 291KB)
8th December 2011
Statement issued by EBS Limited in relation to lending rate changes (PDF, 1 page, 278KB)
2nd December 2011
EBS releases its quarterly consumer saving sentiment research (PDF, 2 pages, 348KB)
18th November 2011
Further improvement in purchasing affordability for First Time Buyers (PDF, 3 pages, 350KB)
7th September 2011
2nd September 2011
EBS Support National Savings Week, 5th - 10th September (PDF, 1 page, 269KB)
19th July 2011
Statement issued by EBS Limited in relation to Standard Variable Rate Changes (PDF, 1 page,267KB )
8th July 2011
EBS announces new market-leading rate for regular savers (PDF, 1 page, 269KB)
1st July 2011
AIB and EBS come together to form one of two Irish pillar banks (PDF, 2 pages, 275KB)
24th June 2011
EBS releases its quarterly consumer saving sentiment research (PDF, 2 pages, 348KB)
17th June 2011
27th May 2011
EBS combined with AIB to form one of the two pillar banks (PDF, 2 pages, 348KB)
10th May 2011
EBS research highlights children's saving & spending habits (PDF, 1 page, 268KB)
15th April 2011
1st March 2011
11th February 2011
9th February 2011
27th January 2011
25th November 2010
14th November 2010
EBS Building Society joins forces with Simon Communities of Ireland to support their full time volunteer training programme (PDF, 2 pages, 274KB)
20th October 2010
13th October 2010
National campaign "Better Together" launched to promote community involvement (PDF, 2 pages, 277KB)
29th September 2010
EBS Launches national scheme to celebrate local heroes (PDF, 1 page, 270KB)
21st September 2010
EBS Reports Operating Profit of €25.6m for H1 2010 (PDF, 2 pages, 360KB)
2nd September 2010
EBS Releases it's Quarterly Consumer Savings Sentiment Research (PDF, 2 pages, 290KB)
16th July 2010
8th June 2010
EBS Releases its Latest Consumer Savings Sentiment Research (PDF, 2 pages, 291KB)
24th May 2010
EBS & DKM Economic Consultants publish latest EBS-DKM Affordability Index (PDF, 2 pages, 277KB)
20th May 2010
EBS Continues to Grow Market Share in Retail Mortgage Lending (PDF, 1 page, 282KB)
29th April 2010
EBS Reports Pre-Provision Operating Profit of 96m for Financial Year 2009 (PDF, 2 pages, 420KB)
23rd April 2010
EBS Research Gives Insight into Children's Savings Habits (PDF, 2 pages, 407KB)
9th April 2010
30th March 2010
EBS welcomes Government Recapitalisation Commitment (PDF, 1 page, 281KB)
29th March 2010
Financial Education Website Launched Today
8th March 2010
22nd February 2010
EBS releases its Quarterly Savings Sentiment Research (PDF, 2 pages, 329KB)
18th February 2010
Emer Finnan appointed Finance Director at EBS (PDF, 1 page, 264KB)
15th February 2010
EBS Continue to Grow Market Share in Retail Mortgage Lending (PDF, 2 pages, 286KB)
27th January 2010
26th January 2010
Christmas FM raises €70,000 for Simon Communities for Cork and Dublin (PDF, 1 page, 270KB)
19th January 2010
13th January 2010
4th January 2010
7th December 2009
EBS holds Special General Meeting to allow capital to be provided by Government (PDF, 1 page, 268KB)
26th November 2009
EBS to enter merger talks with Irish Nationwide (PDF, 1 page, 266KB)
13th November 2009
EBS continues to increase market share in retail mortgage lending (PDF, 2 pages, 287KB)
21st October 2009
6th October 2009
2nd October 2009
Irish celebrities come out in force to support Simon Week 2009 (PDF, 2 pages, 331KB)
27th September 2009
83% of public fear homelessness will increase as a result of economic climate (PDF, 1 page, 283KB)
19th August 2009
EBS continues to increase Market Share in Retail Lending (PDF, 2 pages, 283KB)
30th June 2009
27th May 2009
22nd May 2009
21st May 2009
EBS increase Market Share in Mortgage Lending (PDF, 2 pages, 276KB)
11th May 2009
EBS focus on Family Savings to mark International Day of the Family (PDF, 2 pages, 351KB)
10th March 2009
EBS Annual Results 2008 (PDF, 3 pages, 478KB)
27th February 2009
Family Moments back in the frame! (PDF, 1 page, 267KB)
5th February 2009
EBS Consumer Savings Sentiment Research Released (PDF, 2 pages, 274KB)
27th January 2009
EBS INTO Children's Handwriting Competition 2009 (PDF, 1 page, 273KB)
23rd January 2009
EBS Building Society Establishes €150m Affordable Housing Fund (PDF, 2 pages, 354KB)
12th January 2009
21st October 2008
EBS Family Moments Photography Challenge launches today(PDF, 2 pages, 274KB)
28th September 2008
24th September 2008
3rd September 2008
National Savings Week is launched today (PDF, 1 page, 269KB)
11th June 2008
EBS launch new children's savings account - 'BIG' (PDF, 2 pages, 274KB)
3rd April 2008
EBS, DKM and Irish Property Buyer release their April Affordability Index (PDF, 2 pages, 274KB)
9th December 2007
17th November 2007
EBS and NALA help people "make cents" of financial services (PDF, 2 pages, 276 KB)
18th October 2007
EBS announces board appointments (PDF, 1 page, 266KB)
10th October 2007
EBS offers mortgage switchers €1,000 bonus (PDF, 1 page, 341KB)
25th September 2007