The BPFI Guide to Safeguarding Your Money provides further information about getting another person involved in managing your money
If you, or someone you are caring for, needs help to set up an account contact us on our Customer Vulnerability Helpline 0818 300 107 09:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday. We will talk through your situation and support you.
You may want a trusted family member or friend to support you with your banking. If so, we would like to meet both of you together.
We will talk through the options with both of you. If you want your carer to have access to your account, you should both bring the account opening documentation.
The Banking & Payments Federation Ireland BPFI have a useful Guide to Safeguarding Your Money (PDF, 24 pages, 1,739KB). It may be useful to talk through this Guide in advance with your supporter.
If you find it difficult to visit an office, we will work through your situation with you. Contact us on our Customer Vulnerability Helpline 0818 300 107 09:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday and our vulnerability specialists will agree an approach that will work for you.
If you are acting for someone under an Enduring Power of Attorney or Ward of Court please bring the authority to your local Office.
If the Enduring Power of Attorney has not yet been enacted, you may need to do this. You should speak to your solicitor about this.
During 2023, a new legal framework called the Assisted Decision-Making Act is being introduced which will provide further options.
For further information on the Assisted Decision-Making Act, please visit the Decision Support Service website. or click on the below guides.
Citizen's information ADMA (PDF, 8 pages, 203KB)
About the Decision Support ServicE (PDF, 2 pages, 534KB)
If you are caring for an Ulster Bank or KBC customer who can no longer make decisions, and you need more time to put arrangements in place, please contact your existing bank on their vulnerable customer helpline:
Ulster Bank: 1800 656001
KBC: 1800 804472
We understand how difficult this situation can be so your bank will work with you to support you to move bank.