Common Frauds and Threats


Most common frauds and threats

Our Online Banking services are a safe and convenient way to manage your finances, but you need to take care to guard against Internet fraudsters. It is important that you are aware of potential fraud attempts that originate from the Internet.

Social Media Scams

Social Media is an effective tool for communication, however what you post across these channels can be used by fraudsters to build a profile on you resulting in Identity Theft.
You should always be mindful of what information you share online and to never publicly post your financial details such as card or account numbers online.

When leaving comments on Social Media pages asking for assistance or help in relation to an issue, caution should be exercised if you receive an unsolicited call as a result of one of these posts. If we contact you we will never ask you to confirm your full online banking personal access code. Calls of this nature may be a type of fraud known as Vishing.

More information on Vishing can be found below.

Vishing (Telephone or Voice Fraud)

Vishing is when an individual calls you claiming to be from the Bank, or a company providing a service and request financial and/or personal and security information.

The term is a combination of ‘voice’ and phishing. It is typically used to steal credit card numbers or other information used in identity theft schemes from individuals.

The phone number displayed on your handset may appear to be a genuine Bank phone number but these can be mimicked by criminals.

If you suspect any fraudulent activity from any call you receive, you should ask the caller to confirm their authenticity and if still in doubt of the caller’s authenticity, end the call. If you feel your bank details have been compromised, contact our support team on 0818 654 322. Lines are open 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Malware (Trojans and Viruses)

The effects of malware can vary widely depending on what it is designed to do.  Some cause little or no damage, while others can be very dangerous and deliberately target customers who bank online. Banking specific malware can gather personal or security information entered on the infected PC/laptop/phone. Such malware can gain access to the device when the user is tricked into opening or running an infected attachment they have received from a seemingly legitimate mail, through an infected file they have downloaded or even by visiting an infected website.

For more information on staying safe online go to the Get Safe Online website.


Phishing is a common technique used by fraudsters in an attempt to obtain personal and security information for the purpose of identity theft or financial gain. The fraudsters use email messages that appear to come from legitimate businesses in an attempt to fool you into visiting a fake website and supplying your personal details. Financial institutions are frequently targeted by these types of attacks.

Please be aware that EBS has received a number of reports of a fraudulent 'request for information' e-mail. The email in circulation has the appearance of being sent from EBS d.a.c

Any such emails requesting customers to 'verify' their account information are a scam.

'Request for Information' emails usually claim that it is necessary to "update", "verify" or "confirm" your customer account information and they urge people to click on a link from the email which takes them to a bogus or spoof website.

Please note that EBS will never contact you by email to ask you to enter your password or any other sensitive information by clicking on a link and visiting a web site.


Forward the email to and then delete the email.

 Phone Scam Warning - Cards

EBS have been notified of a Phone Scam currently targeting our customers. Reports received to the Bank indicate that:

  • Fraudulent calls have been targeting customers trying to persuade them that their EBS Debit Card has been compromised
  • These scams will usually request a transfer of funds or disclosure of card/account details
  • Other variants of the fraudulent calls involve the customer’s account being over credited and that the customer must transfer money back to a third party account
  • Some fraudulent callers are also advising that the customers branch will not be aware of this call as it is being handled by a third party.

EBS would ask that customers be aware of such calls, as they are not genuine.

If you suspect that a call may be fraudulent, hang up and call our Support team on 0818 654 322. Lines are open 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday

To assist in identifying such calls please be aware:

  • EBS will never call you to ask for a refund of credit in this manner.
  • EBS will not request for a transfer to any third party accounts.

Phone Scam Warning - Devices

The bank is receiving reports that fraudsters are calling customers trying to persuade them that their computer/laptops are operating slowly.  The criminals are attempting to get customers to agree to pay a nominal charge to fix the problems and they then trick them to make a payment for a much higher value.

Have you received a call asking any of the following questions?

Is your PC operating very slowly?

Will you pay a fee to get it fixed?

Do you want them to logon remotely to your PC to fix it?

This is a Fraud Scam do not log on to Online Banking to make any payments to them.

Hang up and report the call to our our Support team on 0818 654 322. Lines are open 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday.

Advanced Fee (419) Fraud

Advance fee fraud or ’The 419 (four-one-nine) fraud’ as it's also known, is a method by which a fraudster attempts to trick you into supplying 'up-front' money to secure your involvement in their specified transaction. There are many variations of this type of fraud. 

How does Advanced-Fee (419) Fraud work?

  • You would first receive an unsolicited communication (e.g. fax, email, letter or website) concerning an individual, business or government entity wanting to get money out of the country
  • These communications (e.g. websites, letters, emails or faxes) often look very similar to those of a reputable institution
  • The fraudster then contacts you directly offering to transfer money into your bank account in exchange for a small fee
  • If you respond to the initial offer, you may receive ‘official looking’ documents to complete. Typically, you are then asked to provide a blank letterhead and your bank account details, in addition to money to cover the transaction, transfer costs and attorney's fees
  • The fraudster will then quickly move your money to an offshore account and then move on to their next victim.

How to recognise Advanced-Fee (419) Fraud letters

  • They generally include requests for ‘up-front’ money to secure your involvement in their transaction. Hence the name: ‘advanced fee fraud’
  • They are generally marked ‘urgent’ or ‘confidential’
  • Often they promise millions of dollars for your help, once the transaction is completed
  • They always have a scheme or reason for contacting you, examples include:
            - An inheritance that is tied-up
            - Diamonds in boxes that they need to get out of the country
            - Millions of dollars in boxes that they need to get out of the country
            - Money ‘frozen’ by government
            - Excess oil or other merchandise
  • Most 419-fraudsters present themselves as individuals such as doctors, lawyers, sons of ex-generals and other important persons, to trick you into thinking they are respectable and trustworthy individuals
  • They are always seeking a foreign ’partner’ to help them
  • They will ask for personal information about you, such as:
            - personal or business letterhead
            - banking information
            - personal telephone number.

What should you do if you suspect a 419 scam?
Delete the email. The email, although it may look like it is addressed specifically to you, will have been sent to many people.

 SIM Swap Fraud

What is SIM Swap Fraud?

Fraudulent SIM swap is a mobile device specific fraud where the fraudster approaches your mobile service provider pretending to be you and requests that the existing mobile number be assigned to a new or ’replacement’ SIM card. Once the SIM swap request has been processed, the fraudster is able to access the new SIM card and may divert calls and receive your SMS notifications. The objective of these fraudulent SIM swaps is mainly to intercept messages sent by SMS for banking transactions over the Internet. With texts and calls now routed to the ‘new’ SIM card, the fraudster is able to access any unique codes sent by the bank to access people’s bank account. This scam will be used in conjunction with other Common Frauds and Threats such as a Phishing or Vishing attack’s as described above.
To safeguard against SIM swap fraud, we suggest that you follow these simple steps to help stay secure:

  • Never disclose any sensitive or personal information such as login details, bank details, passwords or passcodes to any source
  • Never ignore an SMS message alerting you to a pending SIM swap request on your account or if you suddenly cannot make or receive calls or messages. Contact your mobile provider immediately and enquire whether a SIM swap has been processed on your number
  • Protect your mobile device via password (use strong passwords that would not be easy to guess) or biometric security (fingerprint). Where possible, set the screen auto-lock timer to activate after just a few minutes of inactivity
  • Disable automatic connections. Some devices automatically allow connections to available Wi-Fi networks, and Bluetooth devices may connect and transmit data without your knowledge
  • Consider using your manufacturer’s applications which allow you to find and track your device if lost. These applications also give you the option of locking or wiping your phone remotely if required
  • Do not open emails from unknown sources – even if these appear legitimate or authentic and seem to come from your banking institution
  • Never follow a link provided to you in an email to access the Internet Banking site for your banking institution. Instead physically type the address into the browser address bar.’

If you suspect that you have been a victim of SIM swap fraud, contact your mobile provider.

SMS (Text Message Fraud)

Text Message Fraud (SMiShing) is a common technique used by fraudsters in an attempt to obtain personal and security information for the purpose of identity theft or financial gain. The fraudsters send text messages that appear to come from legitimate numbers in an attempt to fool you into supplying your personal details.
EBS may on occasion, send you product related or marketing surveys via SMS. It is important to note that these text messages will not ask you for Internet Online Banking login details or personal information.

Adware and Pop-Up Windows

Pop-up windows are the small windows or adverts that can appear suddenly over or under a browser window. Pop-up windows can be used to obtain personal information from an unsuspecting user. Fraudsters can also use fake ads to fool you into visiting a fake website and supplying your personal details.

Please note: Pop-up windows can be legitimately used by some websites/offerings, such as ’Verified by Visa’ and ’MasterCard SecureCode’.

Money Muling

A common method used by criminals to conceal the illegal proceeds of crime is known as ‘money muling’.

Also known as a “smurfer”, a money mule is a person who receives money from a third party into their bank account and transfers it to another one or takes it out in cash and gives it to someone else and receives a commission for doing so.

Being a money mule is a criminal offence.

Even if the money mule is not directly connected to the crime(s) that generated the money, they are accomplices, as they are laundering the proceeds of crime.

You may be approached in person, or online, by an individual or group presenting you with an opportunity to earn money by receiving a sum of money into your account and transmitting a large portion of the sum, minus your commission. They may even ask you to open a bank account in your name for them to use.

EBS is aware that young adults & third level students are often the target of criminals to become money mules in exchange for quick cash.

Becoming a money mule may result in your bank account being closed and/or a criminal conviction for money laundering.

If an opportunity is presented to you to make easy money, and it sounds too good to be true, it’s because it probably is.


  • Don’t allow money to be moved through your account that isn’t your own.
  • Don’t open an account for anyone in your name.
  • Don’t accept friend requests on social media from someone you don’t know.
  • Check that advertised jobs are legitimate.

If after reading this page you believe that you are or have participated in a money mule scheme, stop transferring money immediately and report it to us on 0818 654 322.