Data Protection Terms and Conditions Updates

Terms & Conditions Existing Clauses Changes & Additions to Existing Clauses (effective as of 25 May 2018) Summary of Changes
EBS Demand Accounts General Terms And Conditions


63. We will comply with our obligations under all relevant data protection legislation in relation to the personal data we hold about you. For more information in relation to how we hold, process and disclose your information please see the Data Protection Notice provided to you.

65. You have the right to access, update and rectify your personal data by contacting EBS. It is your obligation to advise us if there is a change to your Registered Address or telephone number. You may also change your decision to opt in or out of receiving direct marketing from EBS at any time by writing to the EBS Marketing Department, FREEPOST, The EBS Building, 2 Burlington Road, Dublin 4, D04 WV00.


63. For information in relation to how we collect personal information about you, how we use it and how you can interact with us about it, see our data protection notice in our offices and online. It may change from time to time. 





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EBS 40 Day Notice Account Terms And Conditions 


22. By opening an Account, you are confirming that you understand and agree that you are authorising:
22.1 EBS and our contractors and agents to contact you and to retain and process the personal data provided by you for the purposes of:
22.1.1 opening and efficiently administering the Account and Card;
22.1.2 preventing and detecting fraud; and
22.1.3 carrying out statistical analysis and market research.
22.2 EBS to make such enquiries as it may consider reasonably necessary (including, but not limited to, credit checking, fraud prevention and anti-money laundering checks) in connection with your application.

23. You have the right to access, update and rectify your personal data by contacting EBS. It is your obligation to advise us if there is a change to your Registered Address or telephone number. You may also change your decision to opt in or out of receiving direct marketing from EBS at any time by writing to the EBS Marketing Department, FREEPOST, The EBS Building, 2 Burlington Road, Dublin 4.

24. Full particulars of EBS' registration as a data controller and data processor under the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 are available from the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner or on the online register at the data protection website. Where we engage third parties to process personal data, we will only do so under appropriate contractual arrangements which protect personal data. 

22. For information in relation to how we collect personal information about you, how we use it and how you can interact with us about it, see our data protection notice in our offices and online. It may change from time to time. 












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EBS Fixed Accounts Terms and Conditions

26. By opening an EBS Fixed Account, you are confirming that
you understand and agree that you are authorising:
26.1 EBS and our contractors and agents to contact you and to retain and process the personal data provided
by you for the purposes of:
26.1.1 opening and efficiently administering the EBS Fixed Account;
26.1.2 preventing and detecting fraud; and
26.1.3 carrying out statistical analysis and market research.
26.2 EBS to make such enquiries as we may consider reasonably necessary (including, but not limited to, credit checking, fraud prevention and anti-money laundering checks) in connection with your application.

27. You have the right to access, update and rectify your personal data by contacting EBS. It is your obligation to advise us if there is a change to your Registered Address or telephone number. You may also change your decision to opt in or out of receiving direct marketing from EBS at any time by writing to the EBS Marketing Department, FREEPOST, The EBS Building, 2 Burlington Road, Dublin 4.

28. Full particulars of EBS' registration as a data controller and data processor under the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 are available from the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner or on the online register at the data protection website. Where we engage third parties to process personal data, we will only do so under appropriate contractual arrangements which protect personal data.

26. For information in relation to how we collect personal information about you, how we use it and how you can interact with us about it, see our data protection notice in our offices and online. It may change from time to time.












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EBS Family Savings Account Terms and Conditions


25. By opening an Account, you are confirming that you understand and agree that you are authorising:
25.1 EBS and our contractors and agents to contact you and to retain and process the personal data provided
by you for the purposes of:
25.1.1 opening and efficiently administering the Account;
25.1.2 preventing and detecting fraud; and
25.1.3 carrying out statistical analysis and market research.
25.2 EBS to make such enquiries as we may consider reasonably necessary (including, but not limited to,
credit checking, fraud prevention and anti-money laundering checks) in connection with your application.

26. You have the right to access, update and rectify your personal data by contacting EBS. It is your obligation to advise us if there is a change to your Registered Address or telephone number. You may also change your decision to opt in or out of receiving direct marketing from EBS at any time by writing to the EBS Marketing Department, FREEPOST, The EBS Building, 2 Burlington Road, Dublin 4.

27. Full particulars of EBS' registration as a data controller and data processor under the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 are available from the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner or on the online register at the data protection website. Where we engage third parties to process personal data, we will only do so under appropriate contractual arrangements which protect personal data.


25. For information in relation to how we collect personal information about you, how we use it and how you can interact with us about it, see our data protection notice in our offices and online. It may change from time to time.













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General Terms And Conditions For EBS MoneyManager Accounts

98. We will comply with our obligations under all relevant data protection legislation in relation to the personal data we hold about you. For more information in relation to how we hold, process and disclose your information please see the Data Protection Notice provided to you.

99. You have the right to access, update and rectify your personal data by contacting EBS. It is your obligation to advise us if there is a change to your Registered Address or telephone number. You may also change your decision to opt in or out of receiving direct marketing from EBS at any time by writing to the EBS Marketing Department, FREEPOST, The EBS Building, 2 Burlington Road, Dublin 4, D04 WV00.

98. For information in relation to how we collect personal information about you, how we use it and how you can interact with us about it, see our data protection notice in our offices and online. It may change from time to time.





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EBS Diamond Account Terms And Conditions (applicable to EBS Diamond Accounts)


14. By opening an Account, the Accountholder is confirming that it understands and agrees that it is authorising:
-EBS and our contractors and agents to retain and process the personal data provided by the Account-holder in relation to the Account for the purpose of opening and efficiently administerating the Account; and
- EBS to make such enquiries as we may consider reasonably necessary (including, but not limited to, credit checking, fraud prevention and anti-money laundering checks) in connection with the application.

15. The Accountholder has the right to access, update and rectify any personal data in relation to the Account by writting to EBS at the EBS Building, 2 Burlington Road, Dublin 4.

16. Full particulars of EBS' registration as a data controller and data processor under the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 are available form the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner or on the online register at the data protection website. Where we engage third parties to process personal data, we will only do so under appropriate contractual arrangements which protect personal data.  


14. For information in relation to how we collect personal information about the Accountholder, how we use it and how the Accountholder can interact with us about it, see our data protection notice in our offices and online. It may change from time to time.










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Charity Call Account Terms and Conditions 

14. By opening an Account, the account holder is confirming that it understands and agrees that it is authorising:
- EBS and our contractors and agents to retain and process the personal data provided by the account holder in relation to the Account for the purposes of opening and efficiently administering the Account; and
- EBS to make such enquiries as we may consider reasonably necessary (including, but not limited to, credit checking, fraud prevention and anti-money laundering checks) in connection with the application.

15. The accountholder has the right to access, update and rectify any personal data in relation to the Account by writting to EBS at The Corporate Desk, The EBS Building, 2 Burlington Road, Dublin 4.

16. Full particulars of EBS’ registration as a data controller and data processor under the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 are available from the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner or on the online register at the data protection website.  Where we engage third parties to process personal data, we will onlydo so under appropriate contractual arrangements which protect personal data. 

14. For information in relation to how we collect personal information about the account holder, how we use it and how the account holder can interact with us about it, see our data protection notice in our offices and online. It may change from time to time.










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Call Account Terms and Conditions 

14. By opening an Account, the accountholder is confirming that it understands and agrees that it is authorising:
- EBS and our contractors and agents to retain and process the personal data provided by the accountholder in relation to the Account for the purposes of opening and efficiently administering the Account; and
- EBS to make such enquiries as we may consider reasonably necessary (including, but not limited to, credit checking, fraud prevention and anti-money laundering checks) in connection with the application.

15. The accountholder has the right to access, update and rectify any personal data in relation to the Account by writting to EBS at The Corporate Desk, The EBS Building, 2 Burlington Road, Dublin 4.

16. Full particulars of EBS’ registration as a data controller and data processor under the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 are available from the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner or on the online register at the data protection website.  Where we engage third parties to process personal data, we will only do so under appropriate contractual arrangements which protect personal data. 

14. For information in relation to how we collect personal information about the accountholder, how we use it and how the accountholder can interact with us about it, see our data protection notice in our offices and online. It may change from time to time.










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General Terms and Conditions for EBS Teen Savings Accounts 


62. By opening an Account, you are confirming that you understand and agree that you are authorising:

62.1 EBS and our contractors and agents to contact you and to retain and process the personal data provided by you for the purposes of:

62.1.1 opening and efficiently administering the Account and Card;

62.1.2 preventing and detecting fraud; and

62.1.3 carrying out statistical analysis and market research.

62.2 EBS to make such enquiries as we may consider reasonably necessary (including, but not limited to credit checking, fraud prevention and anti-money laundering checks) in connection with your application.

63. You have the right to access, update and rectify your personal data by contacting EBS. It is your obligation to advise us if there is a change to your Registered Address or telephone number. You may also change your decision to opt in or out of receiving direct marketing from EBS at any
time by writing to the EBS Marketing Department, FREEPOST, The EBS Building, 2 Burlington Road, Dublin 4.

64. Full particulars of EBS' registration as a data controller and data processor under the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 are available from the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner or on the online register at the data protection website. Where we engage third parties to process personal data, we will only do so under appropriate contractual arrangements which protect personal data. 

62. For information in relation to how we collect personal information about you, how we use it and how you can interact with us about it, see our data protection notice in our offices and online. It may change from time to time.











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Terms and Conditions for EBS Call Deposit Personal Sterling Account 


22. By opening the Account, you are confirming that you understand and agree that you are authorising:

EBS and our contractors and agents to contact you and to retain and process the personal data provided by you for the purposes of opening and efficiently administering the Account;
and EBS to make such enquiries as we may consider reasonably necessary (including, but not limited to, credit checking, fraud prevention and anti-money laundering checks) in connection with your Account.

23. You have the right to access, update and rectify your personal data by contacting EBS. It is your obligation to advise us if there is a change to your Registered Address or telephone number. You may also change your decision to opt in or out of receiving direct marketing from EBS at any time by writing to the EBS Marketing Department, FREEPOST, The EBS Building, 2 Burlington Road, Dublin 4.

24. Full particulars of EBS’ registration as a data controller and data processor under the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 are available from the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner or on the online register at the data protection website. Where we engage third parties to process personal data, we will only do so under appropriate contractual arrangements which protect personal data.


22. For information in relation to how we collect personal information about you, how we use it and how you can interact with us about it, see our data protection notice in our offices and online. It may change from time to time.










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Optimise Flexible Savings Plan Terms and Conditions 


21. By opening the Account, you are confirming that you understand and agree that you are authorising:
EBS and our contractors and agents to contact you and to retain and process the personal data provided by you for the purposes of opening and efficiently administering the Account;
and you are authorising EBS to make such enquiries as we may consider reasonably necessary (including, but not limited to, credit checking, fraud prevention and anti-money laundering checks) in connection with your application.

22. You have the right to access, update and rectify your personal data by writing to EBS at The EBS Building, 2 Burlington Road, Dublin 4.

23. Full particulars of EBS’ registration as a data controller and data processor under the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 are available from the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner or on the online register at the data protection website. Where we engage third parties to process personal data, we will only do so under appropriate contractual arrangements which protect your data.



21. For information in relation to how we collect personal information about you, how we use it and how you can interact with us about it, see our data protection notice in our offices and online. It may change from time to time.










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EBS Access 30 Account Terms and Conditions 


30. By opening an Account, you are confirming that you understand and agree that you are authorising:

30.1. EBS and our contractors and agents to contact you and to retain and process the personal data provided by you for the purposes of:

30.1.1. opening and efficiently administering the Account;

30.1.2. preventing and detecting fraud; and

30.1.3. carrying out statistical analysis and market research.

30.2. EBS to make such enquiries as we may consider reasonably necessary (including, but not limited to, credit checking, fraud prevention and anti-money laundering checks) in connection with your application.

31. You have the right to access, update and rectify your personal data by contacting EBS. It is your obligation to advise us if there is a change to your Registered Address or telephone number. You may also change your decision to opt in or out of receiving direct marketing from EBS at any time by writing to the EBS Marketing Department, FREEPOST, The EBS Building, 2 Burlington Road, Dublin 4.

32. Full particulars of EBS' registration as a data controller and data processor under the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 are available from the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner or on the online register at the data protection website.  Where we engage third parties to process personal data, we will only do so under appropriate contractual arrangements which protect personal data.


30. For information in relation to how we collect personal information about you, how we use it and how you can interact with us about it, see our data protection notice in our offices and online. It may change from time to time.














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Fixed Term Deal Account Terms and Conditions 


18. By opening an Account, the accountholder is confirming that it understands and agrees that it is authorising:
• EBS and our contractors and agents to retain and process the personal data provided by the
accountholder in relation to the Account for the purposes of opening and efficiently
administering the Account; and
• EBS to make such enquiries as we may consider reasonably necessary (including, but not
limited to, credit checking, fraud prevention and anti-money laundering checks) in connection
with the application.

19. The accountholder has the right to access, update and rectify any personal data in relation to the Account by writing to us at The Corporate Desk , The EBS Building, 2 Burlington Road, Dublin 4.

20. Full particulars of EBS’ registration as a data controller and data processor under the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 are available from the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner or on the online register at the data protection website. Where we engage third parties to process personal data, we will only do so under appropriate contractual arrangements which protect personal data.  


18. For information in relation to how we collect personal information about the accountholder, how we use it and how the accountholder can interact with us about it, see our data protection notice in our offices and online. It may change from time to time.









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Diamond Account Terms and Conditions (applicable to EBS Treasury Diamond Accounts) 


14. By opening an Account, the accountholder is confirming that it understands and agrees that it is authorising:
• EBS and our contractors and agents to retain and process the personal data provided by the
accountholder in relation to the Account for the purposes of opening and efficiently
administering the Account; and
• EBS to make such enquiries as we may consider reasonably necessary (including, but not
limited to, credit checking, fraud prevention and anti-money laundering checks) in connection
with the application.

15. The accountholder has the right to access, update and rectify any personal data in relation to the Account by writing to EBS at The Corporate Desk, The EBS Building, 2 Burlington Road, Dublin 4.

16. Full particulars of EBS’ registration as a data controller and data processor under the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 are available from the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner or on the online register at the data protection website. Where we engage third parties to process personal data, we will only do so under appropriate contractual arrangements which protect personal data.


14. For information in relation to how we collect personal information about the accountholder, how we use it and how the accountholder can interact with us about it, see our data protection notice in our offices and online. It may change from time to time.









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EBS Fixed Term Commercial Account Terms & Conditions 


28. By opening the Account, you are confirming that you understand and agree that you are authorising:

28.1 EBS and our contractors and agents to contact you and to retain and process the personal data provided by you in relation to the Account for the purposes of 28.1.1 opening and efficiently administering the Account

28.1.2 preventing and detecting fraud

28.1.3. carrying out statistical analysis and market research.

28.2 EBS to make such enquiries as we may consider reasonably necessary (including, but not
limited to, credit checking, fraud prevention and anti-money laundering checks) in connection
with your application.

29. You have the right to access, update and rectify your personal data by contacting EBS. It is your obligation to advise us if there is a change to your Registered Address or telephone number. You may also change your decision to opt in or out of receiving direct marketing from EBS at any time by writing to the EBS Marketing Department, FREEPOST, The EBS Building, 2 Burlington Road, Dublin 4.

30. Full particulars of EBS’ registration as a data controller and data processor under the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 are available from the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner or on the online register at the data protection website. Where we engage third parties to process personal data, we will only do so under appropriate contractual arrangements which protect personal data.


28. For information in relation to how we collect personal information about you, how we use it and how you can interact with us about it, see our data protection notice in our offices and online. It may change from time to time.
















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The updated terms and conditions will apply from 25th May 2018.

We will assume that you accept the changes to the terms and conditions when you use the products and services affected by these changes after 25th May 2018. If you do not wish to accept the updated terms and conditions, you are entitled to cancel your account or card or service in accordance with the existing terms and conditions.

In relation to existing Fixed Term Deposit Accounts which mature after 25th May 2018, if you do not wish to accept the updated terms and conditions, you are entitled to remain on the existing terms and conditions until the maturity date. At the maturity date, if your account rolls over, the relevant updated terms and conditions will apply to that account.