Non-Euro EU/EEA currencies on debit cards

Conversion rates

Money Manager Card

Last Updated: 02 Jul 2024, 22:15

Non-Euro EU Member Currency EBS Rate* (Inclusive of 1.00% bank fee) ECB Rate EBS & ECB % Difference
Bulgaria Lev (BGN) 00.5164 00.5113 01.00
Czech Republic Koruna (CZK) 00.0402 00.0397 01.20
Denmark Krone (DKK) 00.1354 00.1341 01.02
Hungary Forint (HUF) 00.0026 00.0025 01.69
Iceland Krona (ISK) 00.0068 00.0067 01.62
Liechtenstein Swiss Franc (CHF) 01.0435 01.0312 01.19
Norway Krone (NOK) 00.0884 00.0871 01.52
Poland Zloty (PLN) 00.2344 00.2312 01.38
Romania Leu (RON) 00.2038 00.2009 01.45
Sweden Krona (SEK) 00.0887 00.0876 01.33
United Kingdom Pound Sterling (GBP) 01.1933 01.1799 01.14
Bulgaria Lev (BGN)
EBS Rate* (Inclusive of 1.00% bank fee) 00.5113
ECB Rate 00.5113
EBS & ECB % Difference -00.00
Czech Republic Koruna (CZK)
EBS Rate* (Inclusive of 1.00% bank fee) 00.0398
ECB Rate 00.0397
EBS & ECB % Difference 00.20
Denmark Krone (DKK)
EBS Rate* (Inclusive of 1.00% bank fee) 00.1341
ECB Rate 00.1341
EBS & ECB % Difference 00.02
Hungary Forint (HUF)
EBS Rate* (Inclusive of 1.00% bank fee) 00.0025
ECB Rate 00.0025
EBS & ECB % Difference 00.69
Iceland Krona (ISK)
EBS Rate* (Inclusive of 1.00% bank fee) 00.0067
ECB Rate 00.0067
EBS & ECB % Difference 00.61
Liechtenstein Swiss Franc (CHF)
EBS Rate* (Inclusive of 1.00% bank fee) 01.0332
ECB Rate 01.0312
EBS & ECB % Difference 00.19
Norway Krone (NOK)
EBS Rate* (Inclusive of 1.00% bank fee) 00.0876
ECB Rate 00.0871
EBS & ECB % Difference 00.52
Poland Zloty (PLN)
EBS Rate* (Inclusive of 1.00% bank fee) 00.2321
ECB Rate 00.2312
EBS & ECB % Difference 00.38
Romania Leu (RON)
EBS Rate* (Inclusive of 1.00% bank fee) 00.2018
ECB Rate 00.2009
EBS & ECB % Difference 00.44
Sweden Krona (SEK)
EBS Rate* (Inclusive of 1.00% bank fee) 00.0879
ECB Rate 00.0876
EBS & ECB % Difference 00.32
United Kingdom Pound Sterling (GBP)
EBS Rate* (Inclusive of 1.00% bank fee) 01.1815
ECB Rate 01.1799
EBS & ECB % Difference 00.14

* EBS rate is the Mastercard rate plus the currency conversion fee.

Conversion rates

Teen Card

Last Updated: 02 Jul 2024, 22:15

Non-Euro EU Member Currency EBS Rate* ECB Rate EBS & ECB % Difference
Bulgaria Lev (BGN) 00.5113 00.5113 -00.00
Czech Republic Koruna (CZK) 00.0398 00.0397 00.20
Denmark Krone (DKK) 00.1341 00.1341 00.02
Hungary Forint (HUF) 00.0025 00.0025 00.69
Iceland Krona (ISK) 00.0067 00.0067 00.61
Liechtenstein Swiss Franc (CHF) 01.0332 01.0312 00.19
Norway Krone (NOK) 00.0876 00.0871 00.52
Poland Zloty (PLN) 00.2321 00.2312 00.38
Romania Leu (RON) 00.2018 00.2009 00.44
Sweden Krona (SEK) 00.0879 00.0876 00.32
United Kingdom Pound Sterling (GBP) 01.1815 01.1799 00.14
Bulgaria Lev (BGN)
EBS Rate* 00.5113
ECB Rate 00.5113
EBS & ECB % Difference -00.00
Czech Republic Koruna (CZK)
EBS Rate* 00.0398
ECB Rate 00.0397
EBS & ECB % Difference 00.20
Denmark Krone (DKK)
EBS Rate* 00.1341
ECB Rate 00.1341
EBS & ECB % Difference 00.02
Hungary Forint (HUF)
EBS Rate* 00.0025
ECB Rate 00.0025
EBS & ECB % Difference 00.69
Iceland Krona (ISK)
EBS Rate* 00.0067
ECB Rate 00.0067
EBS & ECB % Difference 00.61
Liechtenstein Swiss Franc (CHF)
EBS Rate* 01.0332
ECB Rate 01.0312
EBS & ECB % Difference 00.19
Norway Krone (NOK)
EBS Rate* 00.0876
ECB Rate 00.0871
EBS & ECB % Difference 00.52
Poland Zloty (PLN)
EBS Rate* 00.2321
ECB Rate 00.2312
EBS & ECB % Difference 00.38
Romania Leu (RON)
EBS Rate* 00.2018
ECB Rate 00.2009
EBS & ECB % Difference 00.44
Sweden Krona (SEK)
EBS Rate* 00.0879
ECB Rate 00.0876
EBS & ECB % Difference 00.32
United Kingdom Pound Sterling (GBP)
EBS Rate* 01.1815
ECB Rate 01.1799
EBS & ECB % Difference 00.14

* EBS rate is the Mastercard rate.

Currency conversion fees

For non-euro transactions we apply the following fees to the MoneyManager Debit card. There are no fees on the Teen Savings Debit card.

Transaction Type  ATM Withdrawals Using a Debit Card for purchases in a foreign currency
Currency Conversion
Fee (non-euro)
1% of transaction value
Min. €1.91 – Max. €6.00
1% of transaction value
Min. €0.30 – Max. €6.00
Important Information
  • All foreign exchange rates in the above table are updated twice daily, on any business day

  • When you use your Debit card to pay for something that is not in euro, Mastercard will convert that payment to euro using the exchange rate that applies on the day the transaction hits your account, which may not be the day of the transaction itself. Please note that this amount may be more or less than the amount stated at the time the transaction was initiated

  • You will find further information on how your card works and the fees and charges detailed in your terms and conditions.