EBS Commercial

Guide for EBS Commercial Borrowers in Financial Difficulties

EBS is committed to offering support to Commercial Borrowers who are finding it difficult to meet their financial obligations.

Don't ignore the problem.

If you receive a letter or telephone call from EBS Commercial regarding arrears on your account, please do not ignore it. EBS is committed to helping customers who find themselves in financial difficulty and will try and arrange an alternative repayment arrangement that eases your financial commitments.

The Central Bank of Ireland has introduced regulations to ensure a fair and consistent approach to Borrowers who find themselves in financial difficulties. Below we give you an insight into these regulations which cover different types of loan facilities.

Lending to Small and Medium Enterprise Regulations 2015

Is your business facing Financial Difficulty?

The revised “Regulations for Lending to Small & Medium Enterprises 2015' (PDF, 43 pages, 327KB) came into effect on 1st July 2016.

EBS understands that some of our Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Borrowers are either facing or already experiencing a period of financial difficulty. If this is the case you should contact your Relationship Manager or email us at ebscommercial@mail.ebs.ie. Your Relationship Manager will then arrange an appointment to meet with you, if required, and carry out a full assessment of your overall financial position.

All borrowers are also invited to contact EBS Commercial to arrange an annual review meeting.

The Booklet attached sets out clear guidelines for both borrowers and for EBS in relation to dealing with SME Borrowers who are currently experiencing financial difficulty, or feel they may have difficulty making their loan repayments in the future. These guidelines apply to Small and Medium Enterprises as defined in the Regulation.

A Guide for Small & Medium Enterprises Experiencing Financial Difficulties (PDF, 12 pages, 773KB)

Note: EBS no longer offers new business credit facilities.

Consumer Protection Code (CPC) 2012

In order to ensure a consistent level of protection for consumers, the Consumer Protection Code (PDF, 83 pages, 1,384KB) was introduced in 2006. The Consumer Protection Code has since been updated and this revised Consumer Protection Code is effective from 1st January 2012.

What can you do if you are experiencing Financial Difficulties?
• Contact your Relationship Manager or email us at ebscommercial@mail.ebs.ie.
• Take a close look at your financial situation.
• Get some independent advice from MABS (Money Advice and Budgeting Service). To contact MABS, phone their lo-call number 0818 072 000 or visit their website.

The Booklet attached sets out clear guidelines for both borrowers and for EBS in relation to dealing with Consumers who are currently experiencing financial difficulty, or feel they may have difficulty making their loan repayments in the future. These guidelines apply to Personal Consumers as defined in the code.

Information Guide for Commercial Consumers in Financial Difficulty (PDF, 8 pages, 670KB)

Please note, in the event of arrears management progressing, and where legal proceedings commence, a customer will incur legal costs, up to approximately €4,500 per property.

Where customers are deemed 'not cooperating', additional fees and charged may apply. The leaflet below contains a breakdown of these.

Commercial & Buy to Let Fees and Charges (PDF, 2 pages, 546KB)

2013 Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears (CCMA)

The revised Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears (CCMA) became effective on the 1st of July 2013. The Code applies to any mortgage loan, which is secured by the 'primary residence' - i.e. the property that you occupy as your home or the only residential property that you own even if you do not live in it, both of which must be in the state.

A key principle of the CCMA is for all lenders to treat customers fairly and consistently by following the Mortgage Arrears Resolution Process (MARP).

More details on CCMA and MARP.